The Pros and Cons of Video Games

The Background

Video games are a worldwide entertainment. They are known for their vibrant colors, sound effects, and complex graphics. Lots of kids play video games, even adults; they are something everyone can enjoy, they are a way to escape reality, because who doesn't want that right? As the popularity of games increased over the years however, controversy has emerged among parents, educators, and psychologists.
Video games are frowned upon by many parents as time-wasters. Many say that they turn you into a violent peson, some even say, "It's melting your brain!" There are many questions revolving around these statements, if they are true or not. Does it affect your brain in any way, does it make you more aggressive?
There has been many studies and testing on video games, but what we all have to acknowledge is that too much of anything is not good. Too much of video games is bad for you. It promotes a negative lifestyle. All games are different; some are aimed to be puzzle games, some adventure, violence, or all in one. All can have different outcomes and how they affect us physically and/or mentally.

After doing research, I have made a list of all the pros and cons of video games and what they can affect.

The Positive Outcomes

Video games can improve the following:

The Negative Outcomes

VIdeo games can cause or promote the following:

If you want an in-depth description of each outcome listed you can click here

Here is a video that further explains the benefits and drawbacks of gaming:

Overall, Video games aren't all bad. In fact, the right amount of gaming can highly benefit you. Too much of it can lead to have negative impacts, but again, too much of anything is not good for you. We just have to learn what that right amount is.